In June of 1991 the National Grazing Lands Coalition, then the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), was established at a meeting in Bozeman, Montana. The meeting was called by representatives of state and national agricultural, conservation, wildlife, and scientific organizations. The organizations were concerned about the declining level of technical assistance being provided by the NRCS to owners and managers of particularly non-federal grazing lands. Organizers of the meeting believed that the NRCS resources had been diverted from grazing lands to conservation compliance and other programs established in the 1985 farm bill. Twenty-two states were represented at the meeting.
During this first organizational meeting, six national organizations agreed to sponsor the NatGLC. They were the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF,) American Forage and Grassland Council (AFGC), American Sheep Industry (ASI), National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and the Society for Range Management (SRM). Organizations that support the NatGLC appoint members to the Board of Directors. These individuals are respected leaders, and producers, within those organizations.
Learn More About the NatGLC
The National Grazing Lands Coalition is led by a national steering committee dedicated to America’s grazing lands resource and its sustainability.